Area Activity Guide: Night of the Living Wedge
October 2015
Info about Night of the Living Wedge, one of the year’s best Pub Crawls, is a little bit hard to find this year. But never fear! (Or, rather, fear, but don’t give up and think there’s no pub crawl happening.) Add this event to your calendar so you won’t be the one watching as a parade of intoxicated zombies stumbles past.
Night of the Living Wedge 2015 is Thursday, October 29th. 8 bars, 40 minutes each, starting at Swiftwater Brewing at 6:45.
2015’s crawl includes stops (and drink specials) at some of Rochester’s buzziest venues, including Butapub and Tap & Mallet. Get suited up in your most deserving costume for a shot at winning a prize. NOTLW is brought to you by the hosting venues and BASWA (the Business Association of the South Wedge Area).