Area Activity Guide:TEDx Flour City
April 2015
TED is one of the most popular and powerful non-profit organizations in the world. If you are unfamiliar with TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design), it is self-described as “a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world.” TED holds talks, forums, and festivals year-round all over the world designed to inspire, motivate, and inform. Recently, the parent company has branched out, creating TEDx – locally-run, locally-organized events with the same mission as the parent organization.
On Saturday, May 30th from 9AM – 5PM, Rochester will host it’s very own TEDx event, called TEDxFlourCity 2015: Branch Out. Over the course of the day at the Eastman School of Music on Gibbs Street, 15 presenters – everyone from politicians to philanthropists to musicians to business leaders – will dole out wisdom and inspiration. This is an incredible opportunity to get inside the heads of some of the best and brightest our community has to offer, as well as meeting other like-minded individuals. It is a place to learn, to explore, to discuss, to be inspired, and to make life-long connections – this is not to be missed. Attendance is based on an application process which is detailed more thoroughly on the event’s Attend Page.
If you’re interested in TED and want to get a better sense of what this is all about, the organization provides free video links to the 20 Most Popular TED Talks, which includes discussions on everything from how schools kill creativity, to how to spot a liar, to great historical leaders, to the greatest mysteries of the oceans’ depths. There’s no telling what kind of topics you’ll discover, but one thing is for certain – you’ll be amazed, moved, motivated, and inspired. Don’t miss the opportunity to see potentially life-changing presentations this May right here in Rochester at TEDxFlourCity 2015: Branch Out!